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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.

PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The Government has committed to provide additional funding to improve and enhance the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools . The funding is provided jointly by the Department for Education, Health, Culture, Media and Sport.

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2024-5

How we use our sports premium funding?


We received £18,320 in sports premium funding. 


Our overall aim for 2023-4 was to increase the general fitness of each child and to ensure that all children participate in some form of activity outside of their PE lessons. We use specialised coaches, alongside teachers and support staff, to deliver high quality PE and Sport opportunities.


These are our objectives

  • To improve access for all children to regular physical activity
  • To ensure there are opportunities for intra-school and inter-school sports competitions and tournaments
  • To strengthen the range and skills of staff and pupils in sporting activities
  • To plan for sustainable sports provision in school
  • To celebrate achievement in sport

Please have a look at our action plan for the detail of this plan



Sports premium (government funding for P.E)


At Kingsway Junior School we have been using our sports premium money to improve the quality of P.E and Sport within our school. 


Below are some of the ways we have invested the money:


  • Teacher CPD
  • Additional fitness sessions, in addition to PE lessons
  • Free lunch time clubs delivered by our sports coaches. This has allowed children who may have missed out before, due to financial issues, to take part in sports clubs, taught by a highly trained professionals.
  • Play leader training for Years 5+6
  • Competitions against other schools
  • New P.E equipment and facilities within our playground to encourage children to be active during there break and lunchtimes. 



1.  Adaptation of P.E curriculum

- Lunchtime club - free

-Heavily subsidised swimming lessons for all pupils in the school

-Fitter Future and additional fitness sessions

-Dance and gymnastics clubs after school


2. Partnership links

Working within the Future Academy family with links with:

  • Alban Wood
  • Holy Rood
  • Orchard
  • Parkgate Junior


We meet numerous times a year at a network meeting where recently we have been sharing ideas of how best to use the sports premium money. We also receive support for organising intra-sport competitions within schools and training from partnership for junior games makers (playleaders) and elite junior games makers.


3. Inter-sport competitions with above schools:

Year 4 - Tri-Golf Festival

Year 5/6 -Football league tournament

Year 5 - Fun Run

Year 5 - League finals Cross Country

Year 4 - Dance Festival

Year 6 - Staying Active workshop

Year 3 - Healthy Heroes

Year 6 - Quick Cricket


Developing confident, enthusiastic and happy learners