A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Kingsway Junior PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Money raised is usually spent on things that the school budget does not cover.
There are many reasons why you should join your PTA. From making new friends and getting to know the school environment, through to helping raise much needed funds and making a difference to the children and school community. All of these things help you grow in confidence as a parent and it feels good to know you are making a difference for your children and for generations to come.
Rachel: I joined the PTA because I felt I could make a difference, using my skills and working part-time. I wanted to give back, encourage the children and come up with new ideas to make things fun! I also knew it would help me make more friends and for me, because I occasionally suffer with depression and often want to isolate myself, I knew this would keep me from being able to do this and would therefore help me to stay social. Since joining I’ve realised that I get a huge satisfaction from seeing the children’s smiling faces at our events and when we are able to provide new items and experiences. I’ve also made some amazing friends and love the camaraderie. It’s so emotionally rewarding and makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Nathalie: My primary school years were full of happy memories of my Mum helping at the discos and attending school trips. I wanted to give my children those same precious memories. I soon found that volunteering at PTA events helped me make friends in all year groups and I also got to know the teachers on a whole different level. Fundraising and seeing what a difference the money makes to the children is incredible, but the sense of community spirit created by volunteering is what I will look back on with huge fondness when my children leave the school.