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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.
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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. If you would like to request a paper copy, please contact the school office.

Behaviour Policy

Children Looked After Policy

Child Protection Policy

Communication Policy

Debt Recovery Policy

Equality Information and Objectives

Suspensions and Exclusion Policy

Freedom of information policy

Health and Safety Policy

Homework Policy

Positive Relationships Policy

Positive Relationships Parent Leaflet

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Restraint and Restrictive Intervention Policy

SEND and Inclusion Policy

Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Developing confident, enthusiastic and happy learners