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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.
Home Page
Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.

Who's Who

Introducing the staff at our school.

PositionNameSubject Leadership
HeadteacherMs J Beale 

Teaching and Learning

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Environment and Motivation
Curriculum Development
Health & Safety
Community Cohesion




Mrs A Akers

Deputy Head 







Mrs L Martin

Miss G Carter

Ms Sally Robinson

Inclusion Leader (SEND, Pupil premium, EAL)

Deputy DSP - Child Protection 

ECT tutor 

Behaviour and Wellbeing 

Mental Health  Lead

Work experience placements and mentor 




UKS2 Phase Leader

LKS2 Phase Leader

Curriculum and Assessment Lead / ECT mentor


Year 6 TeachersMiss T Darwood (Monarchs)

Art, Design and Technology

Mrs L Martin (SLT) (Emperors)

UKS2 Phase Leader, Maths, Music, Deputy DSL

Year 5 TeachersMrs J Netto (Archers)PE
Mrs Abouchahla (Knights)


Year 4 Teachers

Mrs Kandhai (Crowns) 


Miss D Lawrence


Year 3 TeachersMiss G Bantin (Palace)Computing
Miss G Carter (SLT) (Castles)LKS2 Phase leader, Science, PSHE/RSE,  Choir

Support Teacher

Ms S Robinson (SLT)

Curriculum and Assessment Lead, English, MFL, Phonics, Pupil leadership teams

Support TeacherMiss JamesHistory and Geography
HLTAMrs L HallahanSpanish teacher
Teaching Assistants

Mr T Dolling
Mrs D Kilroy

Mrs V Dunton

Mrs L Nelson

Mrs S Starr

Mr S Bath

Mrs L Hallahan 


Mrs M McHugh

Mrs S Khatoon

Mr B Caffrey

Mrs U Jawad

Ms Mentor

Apprentice TAMr Farrell 
Pastoral Support WorkerMiss C Clarke  
CaretakerMr S McHugh 
CleanersMiss T Upson 
Office Manager

Mrs T Knowles 

Office AdminMiss S Kennedy 
Developing confident, enthusiastic and happy learners