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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.


Kingsway Junior School PSHE


Personal, Social Health and Economic education is where pupils develop their knowledge, skills and attributes that are needed to develop them now and in the future.  At Kingsway, we work with the children through PSHE in order to equip them with the skills they need throughout their later life so that they can thrive as individuals. 

Teachers use the JIGSAW programme to support their planning and delivery of this key subject.  For further details of what pupils will be covering this year, please have a look at our curriculum overview.  PSHE is also embedded into our weekly assembly themes.  These themes are also followed up in class twice a week and form the basis of class assemblies. 


Recently, Kingsway Junior School were awarded the Wellbeing Award from Hertfordshire for Anti Bullying.  This quality mark evidences how well the school is prompting health and wellbeing in the curriculum, throughout the school environment and across the wider community. We have also been awarded the Bronze Award for Rights Respecting Schools and are working towards achieving the Silver Award.


Below are some quotes taken from the Validation visit:

The pupils at Kingsway are strong advocates for the quality work of the school. They emphasised the importance of the pupil pledge that is said in assembly three times a week, which includes the importance of three key components for all anti-abuse work: self-belief, respect and kindness toward others.

Pupils spoke with confidence about the way the school teaches them anti-bullying and anti-prejudice, and they recognised that it is the choices that they make every day in their relationships with others that determines the anti-bullying and anti-prejudice climate of the school.

The school invests high status in pupil voice. Pupil voice is enhanced and valued by pupils contributing articles to the school newsletters. Pupil survey data in May 2019 found that 100% of pupils felt safe in school.

Curriculum opportunities for learning around respect, kindness, anti-bullying and anti-prejudice are maximised.

The PSHE resources they experience are representative of diverse groups and the school has also accessed useful resources through the curriculum and the Educate Against Hate website to further enhance their curriculum work for respecting and valuing diversity.

Parent/carer engagement is a priority for the school. The new “Positive Relationships in School” policy is a quality document that provides helpful information to parents/carers. This is further supported by a parent/carer leaflet that provides helpful and practical advice when pupils are distressed about relationships at school.

The school’s work under the Wellbeing Quality Mark has been seen as a key whole school priority.

Developing confident, enthusiastic and happy learners