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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.
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Developing Confident, Enthusiastic and Happy Learners.

Year 4

Design and Technology (DT) is taught half-termly at Kingsway Junior School with Art being taught for the other half-term.


The children will get the opportunity to complete a topic based on textiles, mechanical systems, structures as well as cooking and nutrition. This ensures all areas of the National Curriculum are being met throughout school from Lower KS2 to Upper KS2.

Year 4 - Autumn 2

Before Christmas, the children in year 4 used all of their learning to create their own pencil cases. They learnt many new skills such as how to thread a needle, tie a knot, complete a running stitch, types of fastenings, design criteria and evaluation.

Developing confident, enthusiastic and happy learners