In April, our Rights Respecting Steering Committee members from Years 3, 4 and 5 visited the Houses of Parliament in London, to find out how politicians are duty bearers whose job it is to uphold our rights, make laws and make good decisions for everyone in the country. The children told our tour guides about children’s rights and presented them with Rights Respecting booklets, which were gratefully received. Throughout the tour, they made links between what they were learning and what they already know about rights. They behaved very responsibly and we received several compliments on their maturity- we were so proud of them!
Here is their report, which they wrote collaboratively:
On the way to the Houses of Parliament we saw Big Ben and the London Eye. While we were at the Houses of Parliament we were lucky enough to go into both the House of Commons and the House of Lords where they were making statements and debating. As I walked into the House of Lords, I was astonished at the beauty of the room and the throne that His Majesty will sit on. I was amazed at how any person could think of something that wasn’t right in the world and could then make changes and turn them into law. I was excited because I got to see the news in person. We all loved the trip, so a big thank you to Mrs Knowles for driving and Ms Robinson for organising!