Friday, 01 September 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
I trust you have had a good holiday. We are looking forward to welcoming Kingsway Junior pupils to their new academic year on Monday 4th September.
The school day has slightly changed to ensure we are meeting the full 32.5 hours a week as set out by the government. The school day will begin at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm. The gates will open from 8:35am and staff will be on the playground to meet the children from 8:40am onwards.
Challenge Sport Education (CSE) deliver a morning club and afternoon sports clubs and this can be paid for on School Gateway if you would like to make use of this provision. The morning club starts at 7:45am. The after school club finishes at 4:15pm. These clubs will start from Monday 4th September.
All pupils will be provided with a pencil case and the equipment they need.
We will continue to offer toast, free to all pupils, in the mornings before school. The toast is available from the school dining hall.
School Meals are available at the cost of £3.15 per day.
Please check if you are eligible for Free School Meals -
Just a reminder we are a cashless school. Please contact the school office if you are having difficulty accessing School Gateway.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Kind regards
Jo Beale