Spring term 2023
Experimenting with tints and shades was challenging and interesting all at once. Using black and white paint to change the impact of the chosen colour took a bit of practice but turned out great. Once we mastered the art of tints and shades we had a go at tessellating shapes and colours. Using patterns and shades of colours we were able to create a 3D effect. We loved this activity.
Autumn 1 2022
The year 4 children started the term off with a refresher of the various techniques and skills learned last year, pencil grip, shading, lines, textures and patterns. We tested these skills out with a really cool Sonic sketch. We progressed with our shading skills, learning to shade in various techniques in order to create a perception of light to dark patches. The famous artist looked at this term was Thomas Martin. Who is Thomas Martin you might be wondering... Martin was a British artist who designed a range of 'Chinoiserie' pottery which became quite famous during the 18th century. We know this better as a Willow Design. The children designed their own Willow plates which are now up on display in each classroom.